Logan Paul – The Fall of Jake Paul #WhereIsTheSecondVerse

One of the craziest stars of the Internet is a student of athletic build. He loves to play unsuspecting visitors to supermarkets, arranging with them improvised wrestling in the appropriate suit. Stebachev and create a variety of incredible tricks, play friends and just enjoy life. You still do not know who you are talking about? It’s about the wrestler, soccer player, pitching and humorist Logan Field. He has an order of magnitude more subscribers to Instagram than any other widogogler or even a Hollywood star. What is the secret of a successful guy?
Logan Paul constantly removes sarcastic videos on the subject of how we behave in the simulator. It turns out pretty fun, and still it’s true. For this, it is estimated by 2.6 million subscribers in Instagram. Look how the jerk with a good sense of humor jokes about the sports community. And by the way, he has untwisted so that already in a short time will be removed in the movie! How can this be achieved by other guys dreaming of such a life? Just see what Paul does.

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Logan Paul – The Fall of Jake Paul #WhereIsTheSecondVerse

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