Floaty bird floating

Have you ever seen anything unusual? What will make you believe in all this nonsense, such as, ghosts, lunatics, UFOs and other supernatural things? Of course, many of us doubt whether this video is fake or not. After all, zombies can not really exist, vampires do not really drink human blood, and aliens still do not send us signals. But this video is so believable that even the most unbelieving person will believe. You are already asking yourself, what happened there? And everything is very simple, like all ingenious. One guy from the US decided to see what his camera shot, which he installed on the garage. In the morning a small bird flies by accidentally to this chamber. It seems to be nothing unusual, but this bird without waving its wings just kept in the air! Guys, in the air !!! It’s just some sort of magnetic resonance particle. How is this possible? How could a bird just stay in the air at the same level, without wing flapping? Of course, the scientific explanation is likely for such surprises. But still, the video looks creepy!

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Floaty bird floating

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